Established in 1982, the Pest-PAC is a political committee established by the Florida Pest Management Association under the laws of the State of Florida for the purpose of providing for the protection, preservation and furtherance of the private enterprise system and a strong United States of America.

Pest-PAC seeks to accomplish this mission by using funds contributed by its contributors and members to make contributions to political candidates seeking state and local office, to other political organizations and to political parties who have demonstrated their commitment to these principles.

Recent changes in Florida statutes have raised the amount that a PAC can contribute to a candidate, $1,000 per election cycle. Donors may also contribute unlimited funds to Political Action committees. Pest-PAC anticipates an active 2017–2018 election year due to the term limits of the Florida Cabinet. As seen in the heated debates over fertilizer and fumigation regulations and legislation, sending officials to Tallahassee that
are business and industry friendly, reasonable and willing to consider the needs of the pest, lawn and fumigation industry is critical to our success as a profession. With a success rate of over 74 percent in the last two elections, Pest-PAC has demonstrated good judgement in selecting winning candidates.


Why support Pest-PAC?

• It is the most effective way to pool resources to get pest management issues in front of elected officials in

• It is the only collective voice that will speak on your behalf to the people who pass laws that regulate your business.

• Through the support of Pest-PAC, FPMA’s governmental affairs committee is able to work with lobbyists to help create and sponsor bills to further the interests of pest management professionals.

• Pest-PAC contributions help by supporting our annual Legislative Day and getting our collective voice to the ears of legislators.

• Pest-PAC has a careful selection process to determine who to support in campaign contributions. Elected leaders in collaboration with our Tallahassee based lobby firm Timmins Consulting, provide suggestions for races, timing of contributions to get maximum value from dollars spent and amount to contribute to each candidate.


How do I support the Pest-PAC?

Pest-PAC can accept personal and corporate checks in any amount. Typical *contributions range from $50 to $1,000, but all contributions help build the collective pool. To donate, please complete the donation form and submit your credit card payment.


Donations by check can be mailed to:

PAC - Financial Management
Attn: Noreen A. Fenner
8489 Cabin Hill Road
Tallahassee, FL 32311

How do I support the GAC?

The GAC can accept personal and corporate checks in any amount. Typical *contributions range from $50 to $1,000, but all contributions directly fund the FPMA "war chest", which is used for special lobbying efforts. To donate, please complete the donation form and submit your credit card payment.

Donations by check can be mailed to:

GAC - Florida Pest Management Association
P.O. Box 196
Oakland, FL 34760

Online Sunshine
Official Website for the Florida Legislature

*Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

"Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself."

​~Edmund Lee